Benefits for Indian MSME’s

Benefits for Indian MSME’s The government of India and the Ministry of MSME have launched several unique government schemes and planned programs to enrich the development of MSMEs in India. The Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises has launched several Government schemes for MSMEs to give them more support and a program for triggering…

Struggles & Solutions for MSME

Struggles & Solutions for MSME “MSMEs need to be completely aware of the various initiatives by the Government and correctly utilize these to their benefit. One of the key constraining factors becomes awareness and therefore lack of knowledge to utilize these effectively. Further, the Government schemes must be monitored and effectively modified to suit the…

Online Vs Offline ERP for MSME

“A good ERP is more than just good software. It involves an institutional commitment to connecting people, processes, and resources. This will be achieved by deploying sound data practice as part of a broader University-wide Web strategy.” – James Young The world acknowledges ERP as the steppingstone behind every successful enterprise for successful implementation and running…